Things of Internet: Quality sponsor plugs by YouTubers (Part 2)
No preamble today, let’s just get into it.
The B1M x PERI
I'm hooked onto this construction / architecture channel called B1M. They have some excellent videos with really compelling titles:
In one video, Europe’s New Skyscraper Capital Isn’t Where You Think, the team did a great job explaining why Frankfurt was the answer and beautifully spoke about how PERI (construction equipment) helps build some unique structures. Given the show and its likely audience, this was a great example of quality, targeted association with a creator.
Yes Theory x Shopify
Yes Theory is a gang of kooky folks who accept random challenges before ending with philosophical messages about how we are all one. It's gloriously feel-good content. They themselves have a beautiful tagline - Seek Discomfort - and a full official merch line, which tends to be the default 'sponsor' of many of their videos. Once in a while though, external brands make an appearance - and the boys do a great job of weaving the video's story/setting into the ad. Like in this one.
It's the small touches: An example from Future Proof
A channel I've been watching lately is Future Proof - the truth behind brands and their claims. Shopify has been a sponsor for a while (makes sense, given their audience) and while the plugs are done nicely, what I love the most is the 'ad progress bar' which does a great job of you not reaching for the skip ahead button. Small touches like these. Quality UX!
And let's not forget the ol' comedy folks
Back in the golden era of YouTube-based Indian sketch comedy, groups like AIB and EIC did an amazing job plugging sponsors, often breaking the fourth wall doing so.
In the 2014 Thank You, Dear Congress video, a sobbing Rohan Joshi would proclaim "The deceased left us so bankrupt that we had to organise everything for this funeral from" only for Ashish Shakya to reply, "So subtle na" a while later.
Then EIC would play up the benefits of CouponDunia in the most unexpected of fashions in their Education: Then & Now video.
I don't have too many updates/reads for you this week since I was traveling - will make up for it next week!
The updates section
The US is easing internet sanctions in Iran so dissidents can protest.
Wait... YouTube is testing out 10 ads in a row?! (Like my friend Subbu said...
![Twitter avatar for @SuB8u](
Google shut down its much-vaunted gaming platform, Stadia. Developers found out via articles. Still, one wonders how they managed to goof this one up...
![Twitter avatar for @AaditDoshi](
The reads section
Have loophole, will pirate - exhibit 3716353: Folks are using Spotify's video podcasting tool to pirate movies. Well we knew streaming killed torrenting, but not like this!
Acquaintances help more than friends when it comes to getting a job via LinkedIn, it turns out.
The recommendations section
Owomaniya - a report showing how underrepresented women are in Indian entertainment, from theatrical releases to OTT. A beautifully designed site by Studio Ping Pong.
Tweets & threads
What a great offer!
I did say YT Premium was worth it.
![Twitter avatar for @WhatMenBugger](
See you next week!
With more things from the internet. Oh... And this happened over the week :)
See you next week!